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Sara Osterholzer

Meet Cerys Pughsley: Grinding beans and crushing it in sales

For some, the path to a successful career follows a clear-cut trajectory. For others, like Cerys Pughsley, the journey is a little more winding. From her early dreams of musical theatre to her unexpected jump into sales at Second Voice, Cerys’s story is one of self-discovery, adaptability, and finding passion in places she never anticipated.

Time to face the music

Cerys didn’t always have sales on her radar. In fact, her early aspirations were centred around a completely different kind of stage—musical theatre. “I did English, music, and drama for my A-levels because I wanted to go into musical theatre,” she recalls. After completing her A-levels, she pursued a foundation course in Stratford-upon-Avon, but it didn’t take long for her to discover that a life on stage wasn’t quite what she envisioned for herself.

“I loved musical theatre, but I realised it was more of a hobby for me,” she says. “It’s such a tough industry, and I didn’t know if I wanted to put myself through that.” With a shift in perspective, Cerys decided to explore other passions—specifically fashion and marketing.

Learning to foster the Costa customer

While exploring different paths, Cerys kept a consistent thread running through her working life—her job at Costa Coffee. She spent seven years working at various Costa locations while juggling her educational pursuits, from her foundation course to university studies in fashion and dress history. “Costa got me through all my stages of education,” she says. “Wherever I went, there was always a Costa I could work in, which gave me stability as a student.”

Working in hospitality, while not glamorous, gave Cerys invaluable skills that she continues to apply in her current role. “It taught me a lot of people skills,” she explains. “I loved having meaningful conversations with customers, especially the elderly regulars. For some of them, that conversation might be the only one they have all week.”

While Costa provided stability, Cerys knew it wasn’t her long-term career. “I didn’t love it,” she admits. “It was definitely something I knew I wanted to move away from, but it gave me a strong foundation in customer-facing work.”

Finding her Second Voice

Cerys’s transition from Costa to Second Voice wasn’t an obvious one, but it was deliberate. After graduating with a degree in fashion and dress history, she was initially drawn to marketing. However, with no prior experience, breaking into marketing proved difficult. That’s when she pivoted her focus to sales.

“I knew the skills from sales could be transferable to marketing,” Cerys explains. “I was also interested in sales itself, so I thought it was a good way to get my foot in the door.”

Second Voice was one of the few roles she applied for, and it was the company’s approach that drew her in. “This was also the only business-to-business sales role I applied for, and that appealed to me more than business-to-consumer roles,” she says.

“I really liked how they didn’t want a CV—they asked questions instead. It felt like a refreshing take, and I was intrigued by their approach.”

A record that can never be broken?

Like many who step into their first sales role, Cerys had a lot to learn. “The training at Second Voice was really thorough,” she says. “It was a lot of information, but it was spaced out well, and I never felt overwhelmed. If I had questions, I could always go to one of the team.”

Despite starting with no prior sales experience, Cerys quickly picked up the ropes. “From understanding jargon to learning phone techniques, it’s incredible how far I’ve come. Especially when the new SDRs ask me for help,” she comments, “it makes me realise how much I’ve picked up in such a short time.”

One of the most notable milestones in Cerys’s early days at Second Voice was her record-breaking success. “I shared my first post on LinkedIn after my first week, talking about what I’d learned,” she explains.

“Someone I connected with on LinkedIn reached out, and I ended up booking a meeting with them. That was the first call I made, and I couldn’t believe it.”

The team was equally amazed. “My manager Harry always jokes that it’s a record no one can beat unless they book a meeting before they even start working,” she laughs.

Finding her own authentic voice

As Cerys grew more confident in her role, she began to develop her own style of selling—one that feels authentic to her personality. “I’m very relaxed on the phone,” she says. “Harry always says I’m just really chill, like I’m not overly keen to push for an outcome. I just view it as having a conversation and getting the prospect to open up.”

Cerys’s laid-back, conversational approach has worked well for her. “I try to be chatty and upbeat, breaking down their barriers. It’s what works best for me, and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback on that,” she says. “Now, I’m leaning into it even more because it feels natural and effective.”

Social selling - where marketing meets sales

One aspect of the job that particularly excites Cerys is social selling, which combines elements of both sales and marketing. “I really enjoy the social selling aspect,” she says. “Writing LinkedIn posts, planning what I’m going to put out there, and interacting with prospects online—it’s something I’m passionate about.”

Social selling, she explains, is like a blend of marketing and sales.

It’s about building a personal brand, engaging with people, and creating warmer leads. It’s exciting because it allows me to tap into my interest in marketing while applying sales techniques,”

Her success in this area has been evident from the start. By engaging with prospects online and creating thoughtful content, Cerys has found a way to connect with potential clients before even picking up the phone. It’s a strategy that not only sets her apart but also aligns with her broader career goals.

Handling the rough days with persistence and positivity

Sales, of course, comes with its share of ups and downs, and Cerys has had to navigate her way through the tougher days. “I definitely take things to heart sometimes,” she admits. “I’ll have a great week, then the next week might be full of hang-ups and dead ends. It can be frustrating.”

However, Cerys has learned to focus on the small wins. “Everyone at Second Voice talks about focusing on the little victories, and that’s really helped me,” she says. “Even if a day doesn’t go well, I remind myself that not every day is going to be perfect. You just have to come in with a fresh mindset each day and not let the previous day’s challenges affect you.”

Mastering the technical side

As with any sales role, Cerys has had to get to grips with the technical language and concepts, particularly when selling Second Voice’s services. “At first, I was having conversations with prospects, but I didn’t always understand what they were saying,” she says. “But the more I’ve spoken to people, the more I’ve picked it up.”

Cerys is also proactive about seeking help when she encounters something unfamiliar. “If I don’t understand something, I go to Harry or Ben (Second Voice Co-Founder)  with questions. I never want to sit on something I don’t get,” she explains. “Every day, I’m learning something new, and it’s all starting to slot into place.”

A bright future

Now, a few months into her role at Second Voice, Cerys is confident that she’s found her footing in the world of sales. “I’m really happy I’m in this world now,” she says. “I enjoy coming to work, and that’s the goal, isn’t it? To actually enjoy what you do.”

While Cerys initially viewed sales as a stepping stone into marketing, she now sees the value in the skills she’s acquiring—skills that are transferable across many fields.

“The confidence, the ability to talk to strangers, and the resilience you build in sales—it’s all so valuable.”

Cerys’s story is one of growth, adaptability, and discovering new passions. From serving coffee to mastering cold calls, she’s found a career that not only challenges her but also brings out her best qualities. And with her knack for social selling and her positive, laid-back approach, it’s clear that Cerys is just getting started on her path to success.


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