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Sara Osterholzer

Meet Ben Richards: Uncertain at school but on fire in sales

Some people know exactly what they want to be when they grow up. Others, like Ben Richards, take a little longer to figure it out. But Ben’s journey from a reluctant student to a thriving Sales Development Representative (SDR) at Second Voice is proof that sometimes the winding path leads to the most rewarding destinations.

From school to sales: A journey that’s rarely a straight line

Ben’s journey didn’t start with a clear goal in mind. In fact, for a while, he didn’t really know what he wanted at all. “I didn’t enjoy school that much,” Ben admits. “I didn’t see the value in trying really hard at something when I didn’t know how it would benefit me.” Like many young people, Ben struggled to find direction, and his dissatisfaction with traditional education led him to leave college shortly after starting.

The jobs that followed—retail, construction, you name it—weren’t exactly inspiring, but they did offer valuable lessons. “I was doing retail at Morrisons, and while I didn’t love it, it made me realise that I wanted to be in a customer-facing role,” Ben says. The problem? There wasn’t much progression in the retail world, and Ben’s work ethic was tied directly to his sense of forward momentum. “If I didn’t feel like I was progressing, I just couldn’t stay motivated.”

So, Ben did what anyone searching for a new path would do: he turned to the internet. “I started watching YouTube videos on sales,” he says with a grin. “I found it fascinating—the psychology behind it, the transferable skills. Even if I didn’t end up sticking with sales, I knew I’d gain valuable skills like confidence and social abilities.”

Discovering his voice at Second Voice

Like many career shifts, Ben’s move into sales wasn’t immediate. Lacking formal experience, he found it difficult to break into the field, as most companies wanted candidates with previous sales knowledge. But then, Second Voice popped up on his radar. “It stood out because it wasn’t about having experience—it was about having the right mindset and work ethic,” Ben recalls. “That’s exactly what I needed.”

What drew Ben to Second Voice was its focus on helping people grow. The company’s training program promised to give him the skills he needed to thrive, even as a complete beginner. “It felt like the perfect place to start,” he says. 

And it was. Not least, because Ben’s somewhat roundabout path to sales was surprisingly similar to Second Voice co-founder Ben Bennett’s journey (and yes, we like to employ people called “Ben” here…) Ben (Bennett) saw something in Ben (Richards) that he saw in himself many years ago, and knew instantly that this was a young person he could turn into a successful SDR.

Learning - but not in the way you do at school

Sales may seem daunting for a newcomer, but Ben quickly found that Second Voice’s hands-on approach suited him perfectly. “I’m more of an active learner,” Ben explains.

“I learn by doing, by making mistakes, and then analysing them. The traditional school environment wasn’t for me, but in sales, I get to constantly practise and improve.”

Ben’s practical mindset has been key to his success as an SDR. “In school, it was all about sitting down and memorising things, but in sales, you’re always doing, always thinking. That’s how I learn best.”

When asked whether he was affected by the pandemic during his early years, Ben nods. “I was in Year 11 when COVID hit, so we didn’t even get to take our exams—we were given preliminary grades,” he recalls. His time in college was equally disrupted, with classes held in a hybrid format. The switch to remote learning only reinforced his belief that hands-on work was the way forward.

At Second Voice, Ben thrived in a collaborative environment where learning came from real-world experience rather than textbooks. “Being around people, sharing ideas, and constantly thinking of new ways to approach challenges—that’s what I love,” Ben says. “It keeps my brain active.”

Working in an office and eating frogs

Like any SDR, or indeed any young person taking their first office role, Ben faced his share of challenges when he first started. “I’ll be honest, when I was first introduced to my client’s product, it seemed way too complex for me,” Ben admits. His early days were filled with uncertainty as he tried to wrap his head around the technical aspects of cloud computing, the industry his client operated in. But instead of shying away, Ben leaned into the challenge.

“The first week, I managed to book a meeting, and that gave me all the confidence I needed,” he says.

“From there, I booked five more meetings the next week, and things just started clicking.” 

With time, Ben’s confidence grew, as did his understanding of the product. “Every day I’d listen back to calls, take notes, and slowly, I started to feel more comfortable with the technical side of things.”

One of the most surprising aspects of Ben’s experience as an SDR has been the realisation that sales isn’t just about calling and pitching. “I love the outreach—calling people, sending emails, doing LinkedIn videos—but the admin stuff? That’s tough for me,” he confesses. “Things like updating deals in the CRM or following up on meetings—I used to avoid them.”

But Ben’s approach to tackling these tasks has evolved over time. “I started using time blocking, which has helped me become more disciplined,” he explains. “I focus on the hard stuff in the morning—what they call ‘eating the frog’—so I can enjoy the rest of the day doing the things I love.”

Riding the ups and downs of the sales rollercoaster

Like any great SDR, Ben has developed a unique sales style over time. “At the beginning, I was just trying to get through the calls, sticking to the script,” he admits. “But now, I’ve learned to be more conversational. I just call people with the mindset of having a chat and seeing if they have a problem I can help with.”

This shift in approach has made Ben not only more effective but also more comfortable in his role. “I don’t try to force anything anymore. If the prospect has a problem, great—we’ll talk about it. If not, that’s fine too.”

One of the key lessons Ben has learned is that not every call will be a win, and that’s okay. “You have to remind yourself that you’re not doing anything wrong,” he says. “Sometimes, you’re just calling at a bad time, or the prospect is dealing with something else. It’s not personal.”

Ben’s ability to stay motivated, even when things aren’t going well, is bolstered by his team. “We all collaborate and remind each other that we’re in the same boat,” he says. On particularly tough days, Ben and his teammates even turn it into a game. “Last week, we were having a terrible morning, so we made a game of it—who can get told to go away the most? Who can get the most hang-ups? It keeps things light.”

Connecting on the continent

Ben’s current client in the cloud computing space has been a game-changer for him. “At first, I was intimidated by how technical it all seemed, but now I’ve really found my groove,” he says. The key to his success? Tailoring his approach to suit the personalities of his prospects. “I’ve found that European markets are a better fit for my conversational style,” Ben notes. “They’re technical, sure, but they also appreciate a chat and some shared experiences.”

One of Ben’s greatest strengths is his ability to identify pain points quickly. “People in cloud computing often struggle with managing costs and flexibility, so I focus on that,” he explains. This approach has helped him build strong connections with prospects, leading to more meaningful conversations and, ultimately, more meetings.

The student becoming the teacher

Ben has been with Second Voice for 18 months now, and his passion for sales has only grown. “When I first joined, I just wanted to gain some skills,” he recalls. “Now, I’ve developed a real passion for the sales world, and I know it’s something I want to continue doing.”

Looking ahead, Ben is excited about the prospect of taking on more responsibility, especially with new team members joining the client account. “I’ve always had a passion for leadership,” he says.

“I want to help new SDRs succeed, not in an arrogant way, but because I know how valuable support and guidance can be.”

Ben’s story is one of exploration, growth, and the power of finding your niche supported by people that understand where you came from. From a disengaged student to a confident SDR, he’s proof that the right environment, mindset, and support can turn uncertainty into success.

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